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        放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2021-12-30 18:54:40    作者:百里鐸睿    瀏覽次數:54

        編譯|未玖Nature, 2 December 2021, VOL 600, ISSUE 7887《自然》2021年12月2日,第600卷,7887期人工智能Artificial IntelligenceAdvancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI人工智能引導人類直覺


        Nature, 2 December 2021, VOL 600, ISSUE 7887


        人工智能Artificial Intelligence

        Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI


        ▲ 感謝分享:Alex Davies, Petar Veli?kovi?, Lars Buesing, Sam Blackwell, Daniel Zheng, Nenad Toma?ev, et al.

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        ▲ Abstract

        The practice of mathematics involves discovering patterns and using these to formulate and prove conjectures, resulting in theorems. Since the 1960s, mathematicians have used computers to assist in the discovery of patterns and formulation of conjectures, most famously in the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, a Millennium Prize Problem. Here we provide examples of new fundamental results in pure mathematics that have been discovered with the assistance of machine learning—demonstrating a method by which machine learning can aid mathematicians in discovering new conjectures and theorems. We propose a process of using machine learning to discover potential patterns and relations between mathematical objects, understanding them with attribution techniques and using these observations to guide intuition and propose conjectures. We outline this machine-learning-guided framework and demonstrate its successful application to current research questions in distinct areas of pure mathematics, in each case showing how it led to meaningful mathematical contributions on important open problems: a new connection between the algebraic and geometric structure of knots, and a candidate algorithm predicted by the combinatorial invariance conjecture for symmetric groups. Our work may serve as a model for collaboration between the fields of mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI) that can achieve surprising results by leveraging the respective strengths of mathematicians and machine learning.


        A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang’e-5


        ▲ 感謝分享:Sen Hu, Huicun He, Jianglong Ji, Yangting Lin, Hejiu Hui, Mahesh Anand, et al.

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        ▲ 摘要


        研究組報道了嫦娥五號玄武巖中磷灰石和鈦鐵礦熔體包裹體得水豐度和氫同位素組成,并得出母巖漿得蕞大水豐度為283±22?μg g-1,氘/氫比為(1.06±0.25)×10-4。

        考慮到虧損月幔得低度部分熔融以及廣泛得巖漿分離結晶,研究組估計蕞大月幔水豐度為1-5?μg g-1,這表明月球蕞年輕得火山活動不是由月幔源中豐富得水驅動得。

        嫦娥五號玄武巖月幔源區得適中含水量處于大約4.0-2.8?Ga噴發得月海玄武巖估算范圍得蕞低值,表明在長期火山活動期間,通過對風暴洋克里普地體得熔融提取,嫦娥五號玄武巖得月幔源區在2.0 Ga時發生了脫水。

        ▲ Abstract

        The distribution of water in the Moon’s interior carries implications for the origin of the Moon, the crystallization of the lunar magma ocean and the duration of lunar volcanism. The Chang’e-5 mission returned some of the youngest mare basalt samples reported so far, dated at 2.0?billion years ago (Ga), from the northwestern Procellarum KREEP Terrane, providing a probe into the spatiotemporal evolution of lunar water. Here we report the water abundances and hydrogen isotope compositions of apatite and ilmenite-hosted melt inclusions from the Chang’e-5 basalts. We derive a maximum water abundance of 283?±?22?μg?g-1 and a deuterium/hydrogen ratio of (1.06 ± 0.25) × 10-4 for the parent magma. Accounting for low-degree partial melting of the depleted mantle followed by extensive magma fractional crystallization, we estimate a maximum mantle water abundance of 1–5?μg?g-1, suggesting that the Moon’s youngest volcanism was not driven by abundant water in its mantle source. Such a modest water content for the Chang’e-5 basalt mantle source region is at the low end of the range estimated from mare basalts that erupted from around 4.0?Ga to 2.8?Ga, suggesting that the mantle source of the Chang’e-5 basalts had become dehydrated by 2.0?Ga through previous melt extraction from the Procellarum KREEP Terrane mantle during prolonged volcanic activity.

        Two-billion-year-old volcanism on the Moon from Chang’e-5 basalts


        ▲ 感謝分享:Qiu-Li Li, Qin Zhou, Yu Liu, Zhiyong Xiao, Yangting Lin, Jin-Hua Li, et al.

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        ▲ 摘要

        月球有著不同于類地行星得巖漿和熱歷史。對月球樣品得放射性同位素定年表明,大多數月球玄武巖巖漿活動在約29-28億年前(Ga)停止,雖然月球定年學已提示較年輕得玄武巖在3-1 Ga之間,但由于缺乏返回樣品校準,該結果存在較大得不確定性。




        ▲ Abstract

        The Moon has a magmatic and thermal history that is distinct from that of the terrestrial planets. Radioisotope dating of lunar samples suggests that most lunar basaltic magmatism ceased by around 2.9–2.8?billion years ago (Ga), although younger basalts between 3?Ga and 1?Ga have been suggested by crater-counting chronology, which has large uncertainties owing to the lack of returned samples for calibration. Here we report a precise lead–lead age of 2,030?±?4?million years ago for basalt clasts returned by the Chang’e-5 mission, and a 238U/204Pb ratio (μ value) of about 680 for a source that evolved through two stages of differentiation. This is the youngest crystallization age reported so far for lunar basalts by radiometric dating, extending the duration of lunar volcanism by approximately 800–900?million years. The μ value of the Chang’e-5 basalt mantle source is within the range of low-titanium and high-titanium basalts from Apollo sites (μ value of about 300–1,000), but notably lower than those of potassium, rare-earth elements and phosphorus (KREEP) and high-aluminium basalts (μ value of about 2,600–3,700), indicating that the Chang’e-5 basalts were produced by melting of a KREEP-poor source. This age provides a pivotal calibration point for crater-counting chronology in the inner Solar System and provides insight on the volcanic and thermal history of the Moon.

        Non-KREEP origin for Chang’e-5 basalts in the Procellarum KREEP Terrane


        ▲ 感謝分享:Heng-Ci Tian, Hao Wang, Yi Chen, Wei Yang, Qin Zhou, Chi Zhang, et al.

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        ▲ Abstract

        Mare volcanics on the Moon are the key record of thermo-chemical evolution throughout most of lunar history. Young mare basalts—mainly distributed in a region rich in potassium, rare-earth elements and phosphorus (KREEP) in Oceanus Procellarum, called the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT)—were thought to be formed from KREEP-rich sources at depth. However, this hypothesis has not been tested with young basalts from the PKT. Here we present a petrological and geochemical study of the basalt clasts from the PKT returned by the Chang’e-5 mission. These two-billion-year-old basalts are the youngest lunar samples reported so far. Bulk rock compositions have moderate titanium and high iron contents with KREEP-like rare-earth-element and high thorium concentrations. However, strontium–neodymium isotopes indicate that these basalts were derived from a non-KREEP mantle source. To produce the high abundances of rare-earth elements and thorium, low-degree partial melting and extensive fractional crystallization are required. Our results indicate that the KREEP association may not be a prerequisite for young mare volcanism. Absolving the need to invoke heat-producing elements in their source implies a more sustained cooling history of the lunar interior to generate the Moon’s youngest melts.


        Optomechanical dissipative solitons


        ▲ 感謝分享:Jing Zhang, Bo Peng, Seunghwi Kim, Faraz Monifi, Xuefeng Jiang, Yihang Li, et al.

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        ▲ Abstract

        Nonlinear wave–matter interactions may give rise to solitons, phenomena that feature inherent stability in wave propagation and unusual spectral characteristics. Solitons have been created in a variety of physical systems and have had important roles in a broad range of applications, including communications, spectroscopy and metrology. In recent years, the realization of dissipative Kerr optical solitons in microcavities has led to the generation of frequency combs in a chip-scale platform. Within a cavity, photons can interact with mechanical modes. Cavity optomechanics has found applications for frequency conversion, such as microwave-to-optical or radio-frequency-to-optical, of interest for communications and interfacing quantum systems operating at different frequencies. Here we report the observation of mechanical micro-solitons excited by optical fields in an optomechanical microresonator, expanding soliton generation in optical resonators to a different spectral window. The optical field circulating along the circumference of a whispering gallery mode resonator triggers a mechanical nonlinearity through optomechanical coupling, which in turn induces a time-varying periodic modulation on the propagating mechanical mode, leading to a tailored modal dispersion. Stable localized mechanical wave packets—mechanical solitons—can be realized when the mechanical loss is compensated by phonon gain and the optomechanical nonlinearity is balanced by the tailored modal dispersion. The realization of mechanical micro-solitons driven by light opens up new avenues for optomechanical technologies and may find applications in acoustic sensing, information processing, energy storage, communications and surface acoustic wave technology.

        Sound emission and annihilations in a programmable quantum vortex collider


        ▲ 感謝分享:W. J. Kwon, G. Del Pace, K. Xhani, L. Galantucci, A. Muzi Falconi, M. Inguscio, et al.

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        ▲ Abstract

        In quantum fluids, the quantization of circulation forbids the diffusion of a vortex swirling flow seen in classical viscous fluids. Yet, accelerating quantum vortices may lose their energy into acoustic radiations, similar to the way electric charges decelerate on emitting photons. The dissipation of vortex energy underlies central problems in quantum hydrodynamics, such as the decay of quantum turbulence, highly relevant to systems as varied as neutron stars, superfluid helium and atomic condensates. A deep understanding of the elementary mechanisms behind irreversible vortex dynamics has been a goal for decades, but it is complicated by the shortage of conclusive experimental signatures. Here we address this challenge by realizing a programmable vortex collider in a planar, homogeneous atomic Fermi superfluid with tunable inter-particle interactions. We create on-demand vortex configurations and monitor their evolution, taking advantage of the accessible time and length scales of ultracold Fermi gases. Engineering collisions within and between vortex–antivortex pairs allows us to decouple relaxation of the vortex energy due to sound emission and that due to interactions with normal fluid (that is, mutual friction). We directly visualize how the annihilation of vortex dipoles radiates a sound pulse. Further, our few-vortex experiments extending across different superfluid regimes reveal non-universal dissipative dynamics, suggesting that fermionic quasiparticles localized inside the vortex core contribute significantly to dissipation, thereby opening the route to exploring new pathways for quantum turbulence decay, vortex by vortex.

        本文為百里鐸睿推薦作品?作者: 百里鐸睿。歡迎轉載,轉載請注明原文出處:http://www.sneakeraddict.net/news/show-256025.html 。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,本站未對其內容進行核實,請讀者僅做參考,如若文中涉及有違公德、觸犯法律的內容,一經發現,立即刪除,作者需自行承擔相應責任。涉及到版權或其他問題,請及時聯系我們郵件:weilaitui@qq.com。

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