r 縉云縣竹友機械廠專業制造《竹友牌》系列竹木制品機械設備,產品已遠銷國內各地以及非洲、歐洲、東南亞等多個**,曾榮獲“**連續檢測達標”、“產品質量穩定合格”和“重質量、守誠信企業”等稱號,已申請多項發明**。主要產品有:牙簽機,竹簽機/食品簽機/燒烤簽機,鐵炮串機,竹、木圓筷機,天削筷機,雙生筷機,雙聯木筷機,工藝筷機,中華筷機,香簽機(香芯、香棒、香骨)等。r
r “重質量、守誠信”永遠是我們竹友人經營的宗旨。歡迎海內外客商來我廠考察、訂購。r
r Our factory was specializing in manufacturing “zhuyou” brand series mechanical facilities of bamboo-wood products, having sold everywhere at home on products and also far-sold into many foreign countries such as; Africa、Europe、Southeast Asia, etc, has won “national testing standards continuously”, “Stable and Qualified Products” and “Stressing Quality, Sincere Enterprise” and so on, moreover, the factory has applied to many national patents. Main products in our factory as follows: Bamboo and wood toothpick machinery, foodstuff prod machinery, Teppo Kushi Skewer machinery, bamboo and wood round chopsticks machinery、Truncating bamboo chopsticks machinery, double-born bamboo chopsticks and double-unite wood chopsticks machinery, bamboo and wood craft chopsticks machinery, Chinese bamboo and wood chopsticks machinery, bamboo-flavored sticker(which inc** fragrant core、fragrant bar、fragrant bone) machineries and so on.r
r “Focusing on Quality and keeping honesty and credit”, which is the everlasting management tenet that Zhuyou persons strive for. Welcoming the customers to come for investigation and ordering at home or overseas.r